Phil Etienne's Timber Harvest, Inc.   

Buyers of standing timber &  grade logs
Located @
25993 St. Croix Road.
St. Croix, IN 
Ph. 812-843-5208


Bear Hollow Mulch is available Monday thru Friday from 7:30-4:30 cst

Sat. from 8-2pm cst.

Pick up at the sawmill located 25993 St. Croix Rd.;St. Croix, IN 

Bear Hollow Mulch Info.

Bear Hollow Mulch is a family owned business and a division of Phil Etienne's Timber Harvest, Inc.  We produce color enhanced mulches, hardwood bark mulch, and certified playground mulch.  We make three color enhanced mulches, brown, black, and red.  The colorant we use is produced by Colorbiotics, which is considered to be one of the premium colorants on the market today.

Our playground mulch is tested to exceed the ASTM F1292-04 standard for playground material.  Test results and samples of our playground mulch are available upon request.  

Our bark mulch is made using only the bark from the log.  It has no additives such as manure, yard waste, tree branches and other items found in competitors mulches.  Our bark mulch is 100% bark.

Bear Hollow Mulch is environmentally friendly.  It contains no hazardous materials.  It is nontoxic to plants and animals.  Bear Hollow Mulch is NOT made from reprocesses pallets or other wood waste.  It is a product direct from freshly manufactured logs.  The same material is used to produce high-grade wood chips for computer paper.  It is free from plastic, nails, and other foreign debris found in similar products made from recycled material. 

Bear Hollow Mulch is available at over 30 dealers located in IN, KY, and ILL.  As well as can be picked up locally at our sawmill in St. Croix.  

Mulch is sold in bulk by the cubic yard

1 yard covers 108 square feet 3 inches deep